Category: almond bars
Learn almond bars - Recipes
  1. Hershey Almond Bar Pie - almond bars

    Ingredients 6 Hershey almond bars1 (8 oz.) tub Cool Whip1 pkg. slivered almonds1 chocolate graham crustMethodMicrowave almond bars until melted (be careful not to burn), stirring constantly.Add Cool Whip.Pour m...Learn More
    almond barsalmondschocolate
  2. Ritz Peanut Butter Cookies - crackers

    Ingredients Ritz crackers (approximately 72 to make 3 doz. cookies)peanut butter1 (16 oz.) pkg. almond bars (chocolate if preferred)MethodSpread peanut butter between 2 Ritz crackers, set aside.Melt almond bars...Learn More
    crackerspeanut butteralmond bars