
  • BASE
  • 17 ounces package firm tofu
  • 3/8 cup uncooked quinoa
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried dill
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 dash marjoram
  • 3/4 cup ground flax seeds
  • 6 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt (or sea salt)
  • 3 tablespoons chopped onions


  • Cook the quinoa by first removing the saponin-- put it into a deep bowl and pour water cold water over it. Whisk heavily with a whisk or fork until a soapy residue rises to the top, then strain in a fine-mesh colander and rinse again. This step is VERY important for those unfamiliar in cooking quinoa!
  • Boil 1 1/2 cups water in a pot with a dash of salt. Add the olive oil, dill, black pepper, and marjoram (just a few shakes) and let it impart in the water for a few seconds, then add the washed quinoa. Loosely cover the pot and let cook for 15-20 minutes or until all nicely fluffed up.
  • Let the quinoa stand for a minute then fluff with a fork. You may want to wait for it to cool off before handling it.
  • Drain all the water out of the tofu pack and dry it out on the stovetop or microwave, but not thoroughly as though you are baking, grilling, or frying it-- retain some of the natural liquid inside.
  • Mush up the tofu by hand or with a potato masher.
  • Place the tofu, quinoa, and the BINDER ingredients together in a bowl and mix well. Form 6 patties.
  • Brush about 1 tsp olive oil onto a cookie sheet and place the patties on it. Bake at 400F for 10 minutes on one side, then flip and bake for another 10 minutes. Turn on the broiler for 1 minute, then serve and enjoy!