
  • 400 grams strawberries
  • 1 tsp sweetener
  • 1 strawberry ice cream sauce
  • 1 flake
  • 1 meringue
  • 1 liter Neapolitan ice cream tub
  • 100 ml whipping cream


  • Cut strawberries into quarters and mix with sweetener to bring out natural juices
  • For each person: Place 1 teaspoon strawberries into bottom of glass
  • Drizzle Strawberry sauce over the top
  • Place 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and flatten down
  • Add another layer of strawberries and Strawberry sauce
  • Place 1 scoop of Strawberry ice cream and flatten down
  • Add another layer of strawberries and sauce
  • Crush the meringue into small bits and sprinkle on top
  • Whip cream and layer this on top
  • Cut flake in half and place in top of cream, sprinkle with chocolate crumbs