
  • 2 pounds ground beef (use a 20% fat ratio)
  • 8 pieces thick applewood-smoked bacon (any bacon works, but this bacon works the best)
  • 8 slider-sized buns
  • 8 slices cheddar cheese
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 3 fairly ripe bananas
  • 1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup dark rum
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 6 cups thinly sliced red onions
  • 1 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup dry sherry


  • As you should know about onions, the longer you cook them, the better they get. That's why we're gonna do the onion jam first; it'll let us give them all the love and attention they need, so they won't divorce us and try to take the kids.
  • Heat up the olive oil on medium-high in a big pot until it starts shimmering.
  • Add the onions in, cover them, and let them sweat it out for 15 minutes. Stir them once in a while too.
  • Add the brown sugar, vinegar, and sherry. Stir everything together, uncover it, and stir until it gets nice and thick. Should take about 40 minutes.
  • Add in a little salt and pepper, and let it cool while you do the rest of the recipe.
  • For the bananas, melt a couple tablespoons of butter on low heat in a big skillet, and slice up the bananas while you do it.
  • Once the butter's melted, stir in the brown sugar and cinnamon until the sugar dissolves and everything's nice and mixed together.
  • Take the pan off the burner if you value your eyebrows, then slowly add the rum in. If you're clever/have any modicum of motor skills, tip the pan so it makes contact with the flame on your range. If you're like me, use a kitchen torch or a long lighter. Either way, let the rum burn until the fire naturally goes out.
  • When you no longer have a fire hazard on your hands, cook the sauce for a couple more minutes until it gets syrupy.
  • Add the bananas in and cook for about a minute on each side, then take them out of the pan and set aside.
  • Heat up a pan to medium-high and add in the bacon. Pour the maple syrup on top, then set it aside on a plate lined with paper towels once it's crispy.
  • Pour out most of the grease left behind by the bacon, leaving just enough so the bottom of the pan is lined with it. Heat it up to medium-high heat, then fry the bananas for about a minute on each side, till you get that golden-brown crispy goodness.
  • Form the ground beef into small patties roughly the size of your palm (or whatever size your buns are), and season with salt and pepper.
  • Heat up a grill or grill pan to medium-high heat, then throw the burgers on for about 4 minutes a side for medium-rare, or more if you want dry, overcooked garbage. Your choice, people.
  • All that's left is to lightly toast the buns, melt the cheddar on top, throw the sliders together, and keep it all stable with a toothpick.