
  • 2 hot peppers
  • 15 green maters
  • 15 ripe red maters
  • 10 green sweet peppers
  • 10 red sweet peppers
  • 15 medium sized onions
  • 3 cabbage haids
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 3/4 cuppa salt
  • 9 c. brown sugah
  • 6 c. vinegah
  • 3 boxes picklin' spices


  • Whack up vegetables ('ceptin' celery), grate cabbage 'n let soak in salt watah overnite...git up nex mawnin' 'n squeez salt watah outta vegtubles by put mixture in hot vinegar wid the sugah 'n drop in spices (what you've got tied up in a cloth)...Let the mess cum to a boil 'n drop cut up celery in.