
  • 1.5 pounds whole radishes
  • 1 1/4 cups good quality apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup ume plum vinegar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt (plus some to sweat radishes)
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 teaspoon pickling spice
  • 1 teaspoon dried ginger root
  • 1 teaspoon peeled & finely sliced turmeric (optional)


  • Slice radishes into thin rounds. Place in a colander and toss with a teaspoon or so of sea salt. Let it sit and exude liquid while you do the rest of the prep.
  • Heat vinegars, water, honey, sea salt, and dried ginger in a pot on the stove. Bring to a simmer. Add garlic, pickling spice, and the turmeric if you are using it. Remove from heat, let sit a moment.
  • By now your radishes have let off a bit of liquid. Rinse well under cold cold water.
  • Pack radishes into 2 pint jars.
  • Pour hot vinegar mixture over the jars. Tap the jars gently or stir a bit with a skewer to remove air bubbles. Add some more liquid if your level drops when you do this. Leave about 1/2" headroom. You are not bath canning, so air bubbles and headroom are not critical. You just want to be sure your radishes will stay covered in the liquid when refrigerated.
  • Wipe your rims, and cover tightly with either a plastic canning lid, or create a barrier using wax paper or cling film before screwing on your metal lids (the vinegar will do funky things to your metal so you want a barrier).
  • Let cool to room temperature.
  • Refrigerate 24 hours before eating. Eat within about 2 weeks or so, while radish slices are still nice and crisp. They are so good they will not last 2 weeks.
  • ++This recipe calls for ume plum vinegar. It comes from umeboshi plums. You can use all apple cider vinegar, but the ume plum vinegar adds such a great flavor and color. This vinegar adds a bit of depth so this pickle is sweet and sour and twangy and mild all at the same time. It is a good match for the peppery bite of radishes. If you don't have pickling spice you can crush 7 or 8 peppercorns and use that.