
  • 3 cups cooked white rice
  • 2 eggs
  • 6 fish balls cut into two
  • 10 prawns medium size, de-vein and leave the tail on
  • 7 garlic chopped
  • 4 salad leaves sliced
  • 3 sprigs spring onions sliced/shredded
  • 1/2 tablespoon light soy sauce
  • cucumber as needed - cubed
  • cherry tomatoes cut into two
  • 6 tablespoons oil
  • pepper
  • salt
  • rice
  • spring onion
  • eggs
  • soy sauce
  • prawns
  • fish ball


  • Heat oil, break in eggs and scramble.
  • Remove and keep aside.
  • In the same oil, saute garlic.
  • Add prawns and fish balls.
  • Stir and fry till both are cooked.
  • Add rice and season with soy sauce, pepper and salt.
  • Stir all in quickly.
  • Lastly, add spring onions, salad leaves and scrambled eggs.
  • Give another good stir and remove from heat.
  • Place rice on a plate.
  • Add cucumber and tomatoes around and on top.