Categories:Viewed: 68 - Published at: 10 months ago


  • 1 quart water
  • 2 ounces yeast, active dry
  • 1/2 pound potatoes
  • 1/2 ounce salt
  • 1 x flour, all-purpose


  • MUFFINS: Wash, peel and boil the potatoes, rub through a colander, add the water (just warm enough to bear the hand in it without discomfort); then dissolve the yeast and salt in it, and stir in sufficient flour to make a moist paste.
  • Beat it well in a deep bowl and then clear off the paste from the hands; cover over with a clean cloth and leave it to rise in a warm place.
  • When it has well risen, and is light and spongy, turn it out on the table, dredge over with flour, and then divide it off into pieces about 3 oz in weight, roll them up into round shapes, and set them on a wooden tray, well dusted with flour to proof.
  • When light enough, see that the hot plate is hot, and then carefully transfer the muffins from the tray, one at a time, using a thin tin slice for the purpose, taking particular care not to knock out the proof or the muffins will be spoilt.
  • When they have been properly cooked on one side, turn over with the slice and cook the other side.
  • When the muffins are done, brush off the flour, and lay them on a clean clothe or sieve to cool.
  • To toast them, divide the edge of the muffin all round by pulling it open to the depth of about 1 inch with the fingers.
  • Put it on a toasting fork and hold it before a clear fire until one side is nicely browned, but not burnt; turn, and toast it on the other.
  • Do not toast them too quickly, otherwise the middle of the muffin will not be warmed through.
  • When done, divide them by pulling them open; butter them slighlty on both sides, put them together again, and cut them into halves.
  • Pile on a hot dish and send quickly to table.
  • CRUMPETS: Proceed exactly the same as directed for Muffins (above), but stir in only half the quantity of flour used for them, so that the mixture is more of a batter than a sponge.
  • Cover over, and leave for 1/2 an hour.
  • At the end of that time take a large wooden spoon and well beat up the batter, leave in the spoon, cover over, and leave for another 1/2 an hour.
  • Then give the batter another good beat up.
  • This process must be repeated 3 times with the intervals.
  • When completed, see that the hot plate is quite hot, lay out some crumpet rings rubbed over inside with a little clean lard on a baking tin, and pour in sufficient of the batter to make the crumpets.
  • When cooked on one side, turn over with a palette-knife, and when done take off on to a clean cloth to cool.
  • Muffins and crumpets should always be served on separate dishes, and both toasted and served as quickly as possible.