
  • 1-2 Tbsp.TMGreen Curry Paste
  • 100g. Minced Prawns
  • 100g. Minced Chicken
  • 3 Cloves Garlic
  • 2 Coriander Roots
  • 1tsp white pepper powder
  • 1tsp. Corn Starch
  • 1Tbsp TMThai Premium Light Soya Sauce
  • 1/2Tbsp Sugar
  • Blanched Spring Onions
  • Spring Roll Paper (Cut into Circles aprox. 16cm diameter, and reserve some small squares from the scraps)
  • Oil for Frying
  • Optional: Small handful of Coriander for garnish


  • Crush Garlic, Coriander root, and white pepper into a paste, then add the Green Curry Paste, sugar and light soya sauce.
  • Add the minced prawn and chicken and mix well.
  • Place a square scrap of springroll paper into the centre of a circle piece. Add about 1Tbsp. of the mixture to it, and wrap.
  • Then use the blanched spring roll paper to tie the golden bags. Reserve and repeat.
  • When all of the golden bags are wrapped. Deep fry at about 180C for 4-5 minutes or until Golden-brown.
  • Serve hot with TMThai Dipping Sauce