Categories:Viewed: 70 - Published at: 9 years ago


  • 2 cans of of sweetened, condensed milk, each 395 grams
  • 2 vanilla bean pods
  • sea salt, to taste


  • Start by preheating the oven to 220 C. Pour the two cans of condensed milk into a baking dish.
  • Next add the vanilla bean paste, as well as a sprinkle of sea salt. Swirl the paste through the condensed milk, until it is blended through.
  • Place the dish in a second, larger dish. Fill the large baking dish with water until it is halfway up the first, smaller dish.
  • Cover the small dish with foil. Pop it into the oven for about 1 hour and 45 minutes, taking care to check on it at least once or twice in case the water needs to be refilled.
  • Remove the dish from the oven when the caramel is a beautiful golden brown, and whisk the caramel quickly until it is smooth. And that's it! Store in sterilized containers in the fridge, although I guarantee that it won't be around for long! A rich, delicious treat that is equally amazing slathered over cookies or mixed through vanilla bean ice cream. Easily 1000000 x better than dulce de leche out of a can!