
  • 160 grams Whole wheat flour (superfine)
  • 120 grams Bread (strong) flour
  • 20 grams Sugar (roasted sugar)
  • 4 grams Natural Salt
  • 3 grams Dry yeast
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 180 ml Water
  • 30 grams Raisins
  • 30 grams Cranberries
  • 30 grams Walnuts (roasted)


  • Plump up the raisins in boiling water, drain and pat dry with paper towels.
  • If the raisins are coated with oil, wash it off.
  • Put all the ingredients except the ones marked in the bread machine, and start the dough-only program!
  • Since there are a lot of dried fruits, add them to the dough when the 'mix-in' signal sounds (with about 45 minutes left in the program).
  • When the 1st rising is done, test the dough with your finger.
  • The finger test: press a moistened finger into the dough and pull it out slowly.
  • If the hole made with the finger remains it's good!
  • If the hole fills back in, it has to rise some more.
  • Take the dough out onto a floured work surface, divide into 12 pieces (45-50 g each) and round off each piece.
  • Cover with a tightly wrung out moistened kitchen towel, and rest for 10 minutes.
  • Dust the dough lightly, turn over, deflate and round off with a smooth surface on top.
  • Line up on a baking sheet in pairs, each pair of rolls touching each other.
  • Cover with a tightly wrung out moistened kitchen towel, and leave to rise (2nd rising) at around 30C for 40 to 50 minutes (at room temperature if in the summer).
  • If a moistened finger gently pressed in the dough leaves a mark, it's done rising.
  • Mist with water, (optionally dust with bread flour) and preheat the oven to 200C.
  • Lower the temperature to 180C and bake for 10 to 12 minutes - done!
  • They look like this inside.
  • I used this "Super Fine Hard" whole wheat flour.
  • This version has 50% whole wheat flour (140 g finely ground) + 140 g bread flour.
  • This really has the flavor of whole wheat, and the more you chew the better it tastes.
  • This version has 64% whole wheat flour (160g superfine whole wheat + 20 g graham flour) + 100 g domestic bread flour.
  • This version is very light!
  • For the version in Step 11: Try baking six rolls stuck together, or slashing the tops.
  • If you use domestic bread flour, use 170 ml of water.
  • This version has 82% whole wheat flour (210 g superfine whole wheat flour + 20 g graham flour) + 50 g bread flour 30 g each of walnuts and raisins = densely textured and delicious.