Categories:Viewed: 73 - Published at: 8 months ago


  • 12 Wild ramps
  • 1 tablespoon Butter
  • 1 teaspoon Extra virgin olive oil


  • Clean the ramps well, remove outermost layer of skin, and cut off the green leaves.
  • Heat the oil over medium heat and add the butter. Melt the butter and watch carefully. Once the butter is foamy and just turning brown, take the pan off the heat and add the clean ramp bulbs. Stir to coat in butter and oil.
  • Put the pan back on the burner over very low heat. Stir frequently as the ramps soften. Cook for 10 minutes or so. The outer skin of the ramps will get dark golden brown and slightly crispy. On the inside, they will melt into creamy goodness reminiscent of roasted garlic.