
  • 75 gm plain chocolate
  • 75 gm white chocolate
  • 175 gm softened butter
  • 175 gm light muscovado sugar
  • 3 x Large eggs beaten
  • 175 gm self raising flour
  • 100 gm plain chocolate
  • 150 ml double cream
  • 1 Tbsp. brandy optional


  • Heat the plain and white chocolate in separate bowls over pans of warm water.
  • Beat the butter and sugar till light and fluffy then add in the Large eggs a little at a time beating well.
  • Mix in the flour then divide the mix between two bowls.
  • Stir the plain chocolate into one and the white into the other.
  • Grease and base line a 1 litre pudding basin.
  • Spoon alternate white and plain mixtures into the basin swirl with a fine skewer then smooth the top.
  • Cover with greaseproof paper and foil (see guide) then steam for 22 1/2 hrs.
  • Check the water level frequently topping up with boiling water as necessary.
  • To make the sauce:Break the chocolate into a saucepan add in the cream (and brandy if using) and heat gently stirring occasionally till smooth and glossy.
  • Turn out the pudding and serve with the warm sauce.
  • Use a really goodquality dark cooking chocolate such as Valrhona for the best flavour.
  • Check the label and go for one which has at least 55% cocoa solids.
  • Serves 8