
  • 400 grams baking flour
  • 200 grams sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 grams butter, melted
  • 60 grams alchermes liquore
  • 15 grams baking powder
  • 1 orange juice and rind
  • 1 a pinch of salt
  • 2 egg whites
  • 200 grams sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 colored small chips, for decoration


  • Beat eggs until fluffy.
  • Add the sugar gradually and beat until thick.
  • Combine the butter, orange juice and orange rind, and a pinch of salt.
  • Beat until smooth
  • Fold in flour, liquore and baking powder.
  • Fold gently, bringing scraper accross bottom of bowl, and continue folding until completely blended.
  • Bake at 170AC for 30 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, beat egg whites with sugar and lemon juice until they form very stiff peaks.
  • When the cake is cooked and done, spread the frosting all over the cake and sprinkle colored sweet chips on top.
  • Return the cake in the oven at 150AC for 15-20 minutes until the frosting is dry.
  • Serve, share and enjoy.